Another Airbrush Tee Shirt party was a hit. 

We wanted to show these event photos even know they were taken on our phone, because we liked a lot of these shirts. Wish I had this celtics shirt in my collection. 


We have done all kinds of events over the years. This one was in Wellesley at a young mans Bar Mitzvah. We were hired to make 75 airbrush tee shirts in 4.5 hours at this country club. If you check out the photos below you can see that all the kids seemed to have a great time. The cool thing about our offerings as airbrush artists is that we will do anything the teenagers ask for. We don’t like to limit the art to simple carnival designs. We like to ask the kids what they want and try our hardest to make it work. I am the only airbrush artist but I wouldnt be able to do these jobs without my assistant. You can learn more about our services here. ( our airbrush services page ) There is also a form below where you can ask us a question.

But enough with that… Check out our photographs from the party below!

drake mitzvah party in newton The Mitzvah Prince of the Evening.airbrush smiley face emoji artist hire airbrush artists best event artists coolest airbrush parties Girl airbrush shirt for AVA Make your order here.   Rolex Shirt…airbrush artist ovo OVO owl. Drake Shirtairbrush party in ma Marvin The Martian shirt. airbrush mitzvah tee shirt partyYour Savage?

ask us a question or book your event here.

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